
Which functional lab tests do I need?

Feeling overwhelmed by the large number of functional lab tests?

Complete this questionnaire to see which tests should be a priority for you.

My score for Type 1 Alzheimer's is ____________.

My score for the tick-borne disease (TBD) questionnaire is _______.

My score for Type 1.5 Alzheimer's is ________.

My score for Type 2 Alzheimer's is ________.

My score for the Mold Questionnaire was ________.

My score for the Toxic Exposure Questionnaire is _______.

My score for Type 4 Alzheimer's is _________.

My score for Type 5 Alzheimer's is __________.

My affordability and desire to do testing are  __________. Please be as honest as you can and remember that this is about your health, so please don't scrooge if you can afford it.

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