Our Mission

… once you learn how to help yourself, you will always have that skillset and no one can ever take that away from you.

– Snowy Tan, Founder & Naturopathic Physician

Empowering You To Take Charge Of Your Health

The Story of Sophus

Welcome to Sophus!

Before you sign up with us, I thought you might want to hear my story for how and why this website came about.

You see, I came to medicine first, as a patient.

At 32, I became ill with debilitating chronic fatigue that sapped my energy and life. I had already been diagnosed with asthma and was frequently sick for several years before. I saw many medical specialists, but no one could help me. I refused to give up and decided that I would help myself instead. I researched my conditions, learnt biochemistry, natural medicines, self-experimented and eventually reversed my illness. This was the trigger that prompted me to leave a career in investment banking to become a Naturopathic Physician licensed in the United States.

This experience deeply entrenched in me the need to be self-reliant. As much as I appreciate the years of medical training and expertise in acute care that my colleagues in conventional medicine have, it’s clear that conventional medicine has greatly failed patients with chronic illnesses. As a patient researching my own illness, I quickly learnt that I knew more about my illness than any medical doctor did — if they even had a clue! I also learnt that the solutions provided in conventional medicine don’t necessarily have my best interests in mind, but they aren’t all useless either.

I found out that once I understood the true root causes of why I was sick, it became so much easier and faster to reverse my chronic illness. These root causes are typically multiple, and involve physical, mental and emotional aspects of health.

Root causes are usually multiple, and involve physical, mental and emotional aspects of one’s life.

Today, after years of treating patients with chronic complex illnesses ranging from Alzheimer’s disease, lyme disease and cancer, it’s never been clearer that the patients who make the effort to understand and acknowledge the root causes of why they’re sick and address them, are the ones who emerge triumphant.

They’re not only healthier than they have been in a long time, many of them are transformed — they’ve become a different person because of their knowledge and healing. Calmer, more confident, less worrisome, and more joyous. Because once you learn how to help yourself, you will always have that skillset and no one can ever take that away from you.

… my patients are transformed — calmer, more confident, less worrisome, and more joyous.

And so I established Sophus with the view to unlocking and demystifying functional and integrative medicine for the non-medical individual. Our mission is to provide a gateway that would empower someone without medical training to obtain the knowledge and skills to understand what is happening in the body.

This allows you to have a more informed discussion with your healthcare provider, and to help yourself if effective help is not forthcoming. And because everyone is coming in at different levels of basic medical understanding, an online format allows you to do this at your own time and pace, without the pressures from a classroom environment.

Learning functional and integrative medicine transformed me and every one of my patients. I believe that it too, will empower and transform you.

Come join us. Be transformed, and set yourself free.

Founder & Naturopathic Physician

Come Join Us And Be Transformed

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